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MySQL errors

Supporto > >

An error appears when trying to access MySQL. There are several possible causes:

When accessing a MySQL database, you receive one of the following errors or a similar error:

  • Could not connect to database.
  • Access denied for user ‘XXX’@’localhost (using password: YES)’

It is likely that the login details used to access the MySQL database were incorrect.

The necessary MySQL login details consist of the following:

  • Database host:
    • localhost or If you want to access a database directly from your hosting account.
    • (The first letter of the server name is a small L like Linux. Replace # with the effective server number of your hosting.) if you want to access a database directly.
  • Database name: This is the name you entered when you created the database.
  • Database user: The username of the user you assigned to the database.
  • Database password: The user password you assigned to the database. If you have forgotten the password, you can change the password.
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