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Support > Tips & tricks > DNS

What are Nameservers?

Nameservers are like an address book for the Internet. When you visit a website like, your computer asks a name server to find the exact address (IP address) of that website. This is important because computers and servers communicate with each other via these IP addresses, but we humans are better at remembering website names than long strings of numbers.  

What happens if I change the name servers?

When you change the nameservers of your domain, you tell the internet to use a new address book to find your domain from now on. This is helpful, for example, if you change your hosting provider or want to make technical adjustments. However, it is important to make sure that the new address book (the new name server) contains the correct information so that your website and emails continue to function properly.  

What are the consequences of the change?

When you change the name servers, it can take 24 to 48 hours for the change to take effect everywhere on the Internet. This process is called propagation. During this time, some users may already be accessing the new data while others are still seeing the old information.  

Warum ist es wichtig, wo die DNS-Zone liegt?

The DNS zone is the location of all the important data that determines where queries for your domain should be directed. It contains information about where your website is hosted and where emails are sent. This DNS data is stored on the name servers that you have specified for your domain.  

How can I change the name servers?

If you want to change your nameservers, we have detailed instructions on our website that explain step-by-step how to do this. Click on Change nameserver. 

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